Something old, something new; At Banned Celeb Tapes they keep everything celebrity related as long as it involves sex and nudity so you can expect to find your old favourites there, like Paris Hilton sucking on a dick and taking it too. I was kind of happy to see that she was reasonably good at it too because let’s face it, she doesn’t have any other talents beyond a pretty face and she’s thick as pig shit too.
There is more content of some and less of others of course, it’s just to be expected. Someone like Miley Cyrus has her kit off more often than on so there’s plenty of her and a few others. So much of the content I see here I know is real so it makes it hard for me to doubt any of the ones I’m not familiar with.
That was until I saw then showcasing pics of Taylor Swift sucking a dick and that’s when I knew they feature some fake shit too because Taylor Swift wouldn’t recognise a dick if she was slapped with one on the forehead.
Find you r favourite celebs doing the freaky or perhaps just having her tits out with a Banned Celeb Tapes discount for 47% off.