For you starstruck guys and and gals. Yeah, you lot that get besides yourselves at a concert screaming like you just won the lottery. Nearly pissing your pants at a celebrity star who just happens to be really good at their profession as an auditing firm’s CEO.
Those so besotted with the existence of another human being that they will never even cross paths with in reality; this is for you.
I found this shortlist (since legitimate content is actually scarce) of porn sites that feature your favourite everyday celebs: celebrity sex tape discounts.
Here’s a personal suggestion, one that the majority will not give a fuck about: Become a fan of someone, or a few professionals, in a a field you are interested in. Learn from them, admire their crafts and use it to better yourself at your craft.
Just don’t be spineless, you too are somebody, not just those in the movies or on TV.